In this article you will learn about Python JSON object conversion.
Python Json object – Before moving ahead let’s know a little bit about Python Json
JSON – It is Python built-in package, which is used in Python to work with data related to JSON. JSON is text and written in javascript format.
– When a Python object is converted to Json object it will be equal to –
Python | JSON |
dict list tuple str int float True False None | Object Array Array String Number Number true false null |
Example 1- Convert all Python object (data types) into Json object.
import json x = {"name" : "John" , "age" : 30 , "Job" : True, "Education" : False, "Id section" : (1,2,3), "Teaching" : None, "students" : [ {"name" : "Alex" , "Add" : "NYC" }, {"name" : "Jew" , "Add" : "UK" }]} print (json.dumps(x))
Explanation – As shown clearly, it converted the Python dict list into JSON string then returned the whole dict.
Note: The above example prints Json Sting but it is without any rules of Python such as indentation, breaking lines, etc., therefore it’s difficult to read it.
— By using json.dumps() method’s parameter it can be read it easily.
Example 2- Use the indent parameter to define the numbers of indents.
import json x = {"name" : "John" , "age" : 30 , "Job" : True, "Education" : False, "Id section" : (1,2,3), "Teaching" : None, "students" : [ {"name" : "Alex" , "Add" : "NYC" }, {"name" : "Jew" , "Add" : "UK" }]} z= json.dumps(x, indent= 4 ) print(z)
Output –
Explanation – As it is shown clearly that it added 4 whitespaces before to returned whole dict.
Here are some separator which can also be used as parameters. The default value is (“, “, “: “), which means using a comma and a space to separate each object, and a colon and space to separate keys from values:
Example 3- Use of the separators as parameter to change the default separator.
import json x = {"name" : "John" , "age" : 30 , "Job" : True, "Education" : False, "Id section" : (1,2,3), "Teaching" : None, "students" : [ {"name" : "Alex" , "Add" : "NYC" }, {"name" : "Jew" , "Add" : "UK" }]} z = json.dumps(x, indent= 4 , separators=( ". " , " == " )) print(z)
Output –
import json x = {"name" : "John" , "age" : 30 , "Job" : True, "Education" : False, "Id section" : (1,2,3), "Teaching" : None, "students" : [ {"name" : "Alex" , "Add" : "NYC" }, {"name" : "Jew" , "Add" : "UK" }]} z = json.dumps(x, indent= 4 , sort_keys=True) print(z)
Output –
Explanation – As it is shown clearly that it returned sorted dict according to alphabetically. In other words, it sorted key first according to upper case and then lower case.
Note: Python is case sensitive language. Upper case and lower case are treated in Python differently.
If you find anything incorrect in the above-discussed topic and have any further questions, please comment down below.
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