In This Article You Will Learn About Python Set Methods
Python Set Methods – Before moving ahead, let’s know about Introduction to Python Set
Set Methods – Python has a set of built-in methods that can be used with set.
Some of them we have already been discussed rest of we are going to discuss now.
add() method – It used to add an element in set. If element is already present in set, then it doesn’t add anything.
Syntax - set.add(element) Parameter Values - element - It is required argument. It takes element which is to be added.
Example 1- Addition of element in the set.
z = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} z.add('d') print(z)

Example 2- Addition of existing element in the set.
z = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} z.add('b') print(z)

copy() method – It used to copy the set.
Syntax - set.copy() Parameter Values - No parameter values.
Example – Use copy() method to copy the set.
z = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} x = z.copy() print(x)

difference() method – It returns a set which contains difference of two sets. In other-words, it returns only that elements which are present only in first set not in both sets.
Syntax - set. difference(set) Parameter Values - The set to be checked for difference.
Example 1- It returns a set of elements that is present only in set z, and not in set x.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'a'} old_set_difference = old_set.difference(new_set) print("old updated set is:" , old_set_difference)

Example 2- It returns a set of elements that is present only in set new_set, and not in old_set.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'a'} old_set_difference = new_set.difference(old_set) print("new updated set is:" , old_set_difference)

difference_update() method – It removes element that is present in both sets.
Syntax - set .difference_update(set) Parameter Values - set - It is required argument. The set to be checked for difference.
Example – It returns a set of elements presents only in old_set between the comparison of old_set with new_set
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'k'} old_set.difference_update(new_set) print("new updated set is:" , old_set)

intersection() method – It returns set of similar elements that is present in two or more set.
Syntax - set .intersection( set1, set2 ... etc.) Parameter Values - set1 - It is required argument. The set to search for equal elements in. set2 - It is optional argument. The other set to search for equal elements in.
Example 1- It returns set of similar elements that is present in both sets.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'k'} old_updated_set = old_set.intersection(new_set) print("old updated set is:" , old_updated_set)

Example 2- It returns set of similar elements that is present in all sets between the comparison of old_set with other sets.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'k'} extra_set = {'b' , 'd' , 'l'} old_updated_set = old_set.intersection(new_set, extra_set) print("old updated set is:" , old_updated_set)

intersection_update() method – It removes the elements that is not present in two or more sets.
Syntax - set.intersection_update(set1, set2, ... etc ) Parameter Values - set1 - It is required argument. The set to search for equal elements in. set2 - It is optional argument. The other set to search for equal elements in.
Example 1- It removes elements that is not present in both sets.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'k'} old_set.intersection_update(new_set) print("old updated set is:" , old_set)

Example 2- It returns set of similar elements that is present in all sets between the comparison of new_set with other sets.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'k'} extra_set = {'b' , 'd', 'l'} new_set.intersection(old_set, extra_set) print("new updated set is:" , new_updated_set)

isdisjoint() method – It returns True if all elements are not present in both sets, otherwise False.
Syntax - set.isdisjoint(set) Parameter Values - set - It is required argument. It is the set to be compared with.
Example 1- It returns True if none of elements common in both sets.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'h' , 'g' , 'k'} old_updated_set = old_set.isdisjoint(new_set) print(old_updated_set)

issubset() method – It returns True, if all elements of set one contains in the another set, otherwise False.
Syntax - set.issubset(set) Parameter Values - set - It is required argument. It is set to be compared with.
Example 1- It returns True, if all elements of set one present in another set.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'c' , 'g'} old_updated_set = old_set.issubset(new_set) print(old_updated_set)

Example 2- It returns False, if all elements of set one is not present in another set.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'c' , 'k'} old_updated_set = old_set.issubset(new_set) print(old_updated_set)

issuperset() method – It returns True, if all elements present in the original set, otherwise False.
Syntax - set.issuperset(set) Parameter Values - set - It is required argument. It is set to be compared with.
Example 1- It returns True, if all elements of original set is present in other set.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'a' , 'c'} old_updated_set = old_set.issuperset(new_set) print(old_updated_set)

Example 2- It returns False, if all elements of original set is not present in other set.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'c'} old_updated_set = old_set.issuperset(new_set) print(old_updated_set)

symmetric_difference() method – It returns all elements of set except common elements present in both sets.
Syntax - set.symmetric_difference(set) Parameter Values - set - It is set to be compared with.
Example – It returns set that contains all elements from both set except common elements.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'k'} old_updated_set = old_set.symmetric_difference(new_set) print(old_updated_set)

symmetric_difference_update() method – It removes all common elements present in both sets, and update original set after inserting elements of another set.
Example – It removes all common elements present in both sets, and insert elements which are not present in original set.
old_set = {'a' , 'b' , 'c'} new_set = {'b' , 'g' , 'k'} old_set.symmetric_difference_update(new_set) print(old_set)

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