How to tackle Social anxiety disorder?

What is social anxiety?

Social anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions around, and it can creep up on you in all sorts of seemingly mundane, everyday scenarios — making small talk at a party, interacting with strangers, or even eating in front of others.

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Some Symptoms of social anxiety?

- Fear

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- Self-isolation

- Blushing or sweating

- Avoiding eye contact

- Low self-esteem or confidence

Ways to overcome social anxiety?

Overcoming social anxiety isn't as simple as turning on a light. It requires time, patience, and consistent effort. Here are nine tips to help you deal with social anxiety:

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1. Identify your triggers

What sets off anxiety can vary from person to person. Some may feel uneasy in large crowds, while others might get nervous about public speaking. Identifying what causes your anxiety is a key part of learning how to handle it.

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2. Practice public speaking

Public speaking is a fear many people share, not just those with social anxiety. The feeling that all eyes are on you, known as the spotlight effect, can make this fear even worse. A good way to combat this is by joining a group focused on public speaking, or by rehearsing in front of a mirror or a few close friends.

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3. Shift focus from yourself to others

Social anxiety often comes from a fear of being criticized. We might start to overthink our actions, feeling like we're constantly being watched. One way to manage this is by focusing on others instead. When you're in a social setting, try to pay more attention to the discussion and the people you're with.

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4. Learn to control your breathing

Doing deep breaths can really help. If you're feeling worried, just close your eyes and think about your breathing for a bit. You can use the '4-7-8' trick: breathe in while counting to 4, hold your breath till you count to 7, and then breathe out while counting to 8.

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5. Try relaxation techniques

Relaxing methods, like loosening your muscles one by one or picturing calming images, can help when you’re feeling anxious. You could try using Calm’s step-by-step meditations and exercises that help you feel more stable and calm.

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6. Cultivate self-esteem

Improving how you feel about yourself can help with feeling nervous around people. Make goals that you can reach, be happy about what you’ve done, and be kind to yourself. Always remember that you’re human. You’re not a robot, and it’s fine to have bad days.

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7. Seek professional help

At times, we all need some more help. If you’re feeling too nervous around people, think about getting help from a mental health expert. They can give you special tips and ways to help you handle feeling nervous around people.

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How mindfulness can soothe social anxiety?

Mindfulness is simply about being completely in the ‘now’, fully participating in whatever you’re doing at the moment. It can be a great way to handle social anxiety. Here’s how you can sprinkle a bit of mindfulness into your daily routine.

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1. Start a mindfulness practice

Set aside some time every day for mindfulness. It can be as easy as feeling your feet on the floor or really tasting your food. Even a few quiet moments focusing on your breath can be a good beginning.

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2. Be patient with yourself

Mindfulness is a knack that takes time to get the hang of. If your thoughts start to drift, don't worry. It's totally normal. Whenever you notice it, just gently guide your attention back to the here and now.

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3. Lean on tools and resources

Just by meditating for a little while every day, you can develop a way of thinking that makes it easier for you to handle your social anxiety.

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4. Engage in mindful activities

Try going for a walk where you really pay attention to the experience. Feel your body moving, your breath going in and out, and the feeling of the ground under your feet. Notice the sounds and sights around you.

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5. Practice mindfulness in social situations

When you're feeling nervous in a social setting, try to concentrate on your breath or use your senses to bring yourself back to the here and now. This can help lessen your anxiety and make it easier to interact with others.

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