Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

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Morning is the best time to work on your health. Along with hydration and nutrition, one must also pay attention to movement i.e. exercise to target belly fat.


Cardio workout for 30 minutes

Start your day with a cardio workout and make it a routine to do it atleast five days a week for 30 minutes as there is evidence of increased whole-body lipolysis during exercise.


Core strengthening exercises

Include core strengthening exercises in your workout to tone your abdominal area, adding definition to that area.


Lower body exercises

Include lower body exercises like alternate leg raise, bicycle in lying position and flutter kicks to target those lower abs.


Abdominal muscles exercise

Transversus abdominis activation in various activities helps to create a natural corset stabilizing the lower back and the core muscles.


Yoga asana

Dhanurasana (bow pose) is one of the best yoga asanas to loose belly fat.


Exercises to tone belly fat

Few burpees, mountain climbers and Russian twists in the morning are some other exercises that help to tone belly.


Cuff weights

Few burpees, mountain climbers and Russian twists in the morning are some other exercises that help to tone belly.

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