
Know All: Introduction to Python Arrays

In this article you will learn about Python arrays.

Python Arrays – Before moving ahead, let’s know a little bit about Python String

Arrays – It is used to hold any number of values in one variable. However, Python doesn’t not built-in support of arrays, but a list can be used as an array. Using an array is quite simple, Python needs to import its library for this.

Example 1- Creating an array.

x =['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']

Explanation – In the above example, it is shown clearly that it returned specified string of specified index number.

Note:  An index number in Python starts from 0.

Access items – An array item can be accessed by referring index number of specified items.

Example 2- Get the item at the position 1 by use of index() method.

x =['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']

Explanation – In the above example, it is shown clearly that it returned specified string of specified index number.

Change item – An array item can be changed by referring an index number of specified item.

Example 3- Change the item of an array by referring an index number.

x =['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']
x[1] = 'ij'


Explanation – In the above example, it is shown clearly that it inserted specified string at the specified index number.

Length of array – To get the length or number of items of an array use len() function.

Example 4- Use of len() function to get the length.

x =['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']

Explanation – In the above example, it is shown clearly that it returned the length of the string.

Looping array items – To loop through all items of an array use ‘for’ loop.

Example 5- Get each item of an array by using loop.

z =['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']

for x in z:

Explanation – In the above example, it is shown clearly that it returned elements of an array on by one after looping every elements.

Adding items – To add an item in the array use append() method.

Example 6- Adding an item ‘as’ in the array.

x =['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']


Explanation – In the above example, it is shown clearly that, by default append() method added an element in the last position.

Removing items – There are two methods to remove items from the array.

pop() method – To remove an item of array use pop() method. By default, it removes the last item of the array. Or item can also be removed by referring an index number.

Example 7- Use of pop() method to delete last item of the array.

x =['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']


Explanation – In the above example, it is shown clearly that by default pop() method deleted last item of the array.

Example 8- Use of pop() method to delete an item of the array by referring an index number.

x =['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']


Explanation – In the above example, it is shown clearly that it deleted specified string at specified index number.

remove() method – To remove an item from the array use remove() method.

Example 9- Use of remove() method to remove an item of the array.

x =['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh']


Explanation –  In the above example, it is shown clearly that it removed specified element from list.

Note: list’s remove() method only removes first occurrence of the specified value.

If you find anything incorrect in the above-discussed topic and have any further questions, please comment down below.

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